Trying to keep up standing – 20/10/2020
As many of you out there, we feel a bit frustrated of the situation at the moment, in regard to the outbreak of the covid epidemic. Of course, in order to comply with the governmental directives imposed, we were forced to limit down our personnel’s engagement at a minimum base, to keep them safe. And the same applies for our projects. A difficult period indeed for many of us both professionally and personally.
Nonetheless, we are still trying to design new products and services, and to this extent Creators of Cosmos SMPC collaborated with the newly found company “Open Ways”, in Katerini, Greece, with whom we proceeded in knowledge production and transfer, in order to inspire them to establish their own products line. Thus, we feel proud seeing our business model being adopted by other companies who that share our mentality. It won’t be long until the “Open Ways” team is ready, and thus, we will engage with them in designing common projects.
We also had the opportunity to establish new communications channels with various organizations, trying to figure out alternative profit channels, and to this extent we are designing various seminars and research projects to be developed in the months to come and as we are seeing no changes regarding the capacity of different countries to phase the covid epidemic successfully. Just to name a few: IASIS NGO, EBEN network, and 17 municipalities across Greece.
We hope for everyone to keep safe, and it won’t be long until we meet again, sooner than later. Subscribe to our newsletter and keep up with our news, using the form you will find on the contact page.